Take your work anywhere with peace of mind
Additional flexibility with the click of a button
Vanilla Payroll identifies the current electricity crisis as a burden to your workload. We offer a unique feature in tackling this issue.
Our Cloud Solution offers the option to process your payroll either on your hard drive, or in the Cloud. Simply upload your completed back-up to the Cloud when your internet connection resumes.
Automatic backups are done in the cloud, ensuring you never lose your precious data. You will also have access to Vanilla Payroll 24/7, work offline when you need to and sync back up with the cloud when you are able to. Full access users are able to choose between offline and online modes. Restricted access users will only be able to use the online feature to ensure data safety and security.

Access to Vanilla Payroll 24/7.

Flexible access to your data, either on your hard drive or in the cloud.

Full & restricted user options.

Automatic backups.

Reduce your carbon footprint.

Password secured
R1590.00 per annum Or R135.00 per month
includes software support and access to a competent Support Consultant.